2018 Sightings
2 July 2018
2 July 2018
A new all white humpback calf has been spotted today near Lennox Head. It is unknown whether this is an offspring of Migaloo or another "hypo-pigmented" humpback whale.
For the first time, Migaloo was likely spotted in New Zealand waters by a crayfisher, 50kms northeast of Gisborne.
26 July 2018
26 July 2018
Migaloo was sighted off the coast of Northern NSW Coast at Brunswick Heads this afternoon heading North towards Queensland and will pass the Gold Coast overnight and be off North Stradbroke Island tomorrow. Photos credit Sean O’Shea.
28 July 2018
28 July 2018
Another white whale, believed to be younger than Migaloo, was spotted off Cape Moreton, near Brisbane.